How to Install a Receiver Hitch on a Travel Trailer

Have yous ever wondered how to install a trailer hitch? Look no more. We´ve got you covered.

Despite common belief, getting a trailer hitch installed isn't that hard. in fact, chances are that you will be able to do it yourself with a hitch installation guide and a couple of simple tools.

On this page, nosotros want to outline the exact process that you need to follow, step-past-step, to get a trailer hitch installed on either a car or a truck.

Of course, you can ever rent a professional to exercise it for you. However, when the procedure is simply this simple, why would y'all want to do that?

So, how to install a trailer hitch on a machine or a trailer? To hands install a trailer hitch merely follow steps listed below:

1.         Get some tools

2.         Choosing the Hitch

three.         Chock the Wheels

4.         Lift the rear of the vehicle

5.         Preparing the Rear of the Vehicle

6.         Elevator the Hitch into Position

7.         Secure the Hitch into Position lightly

eight.         Tighten the Hitch Properly

9.         Finishing the Job

How to Install a Trailer Hitch (Step by Step Guide)

We are going to outline the procedure of installing a trailer hitch here. We will endeavor to go into as much particular as we possibly can.

Even so, you do have to remember that the process tin vary from vehicle to vehicle. It tin likewise exist dependent on the type of hitch that you are installing.

Although, nosotros are certain that yous are sensible enough to know that yous should be reading through the trailer hitch manual before you lot install it.

This will include alotof information about the actual installation process. You particularly want to pay attention to the maximum torque that is included in the manual.

It is of import to notation that the installation will require 2 people. The weight of a trailer hitch is far too heavy for you lot to be able to lift information technology and commodities it in at the same fourth dimension.

How To Install a Trailer Hitch (Hitch Installation Guide) >> Cheque out the video beneath:

Footstep.1: Tools Required

You will need the post-obit:

  • Wrenches
  • Torque wrench with the relevant socket for the bolts
  • Wheel chocks
  • Vehicle jack
  • Electric drill
  • Wire brush

You may not need the electrical drill. This will but be required if you look under the vehicle and there are no holes to attach the trailer hitch to.

There are some trailer hitches that require no drilling. And so, if you practice not have the required holes, yous may want to look into one of those instead.

The vehicle jack is also not necessary. Nevertheless, nosotros still recommend yous use ane. It volition provide far easier admission to the rear of the vehicle. This will make the installation process a whole lot easier for you.

Hither the complete tools list yous demand for your trailer hitch installation:

Number Tools used in hitch install Priority
1 Store low-cal Commonly used
two Socket set Commonly used
three Ratchet Commonly used
iv Ratchet extension Commonly used
5 Swivel socket Commonly used
6 Work glove Commonly used
7 Safe glasses Commonly used
8 Torque wrench Usually used
9 Jack and stands Occasionally used
10 Pry bar Occasionally used
11 Tape measure Occasionally used
12 Torx $.25 Occasionally used
13 Trim tool Occasionally used
14 Spiral driver Occasionally used
fifteen Paint pen Occasionally used
16 Die grinder Occasionally used
17 Carbide drill bits Occasionally used
18 Cutting lubricant Occasionally used
xix Box wrench set up Occasionally used
20 Power drill Occasionally used
21 Rotary cut tool Rarely used
22 Penetrating lubricant Rarely used
23 Rat tail wire brush Rarely used
24 Masking tape Rarely used
25 Utility pocketknife Rarely used
26 Metal sheers Rarely used
Trailer hitch installation tools chart

Pace.2: Choosing the Hitch

Obviously, you will as well demand to have a trailer hitch. There are enough of options on the market. Practice your res4earch and make sure that y'all choose ane that is going to exist perfect for your vehicle.

Recollect, all vehicles have a maximum weight that they are able to tow. You need to ensure that the hitch that you practise purchase is more than than capable of towing this weight.

This is probably going to exist a bigger concern for you if you accept a larger truck as opposed to a small, rider vehicle.

Step.3: Chock the Wheels

Your first job will be to chock the wheels. While it is unlikely that your vehicle is going to exist moving while yous are installing the trailer hitch, information technology is better to be safe than distressing, correct?

Step.4: Lift the rear of the vehicle

If you lot are lifting the vehicle with a vehicle jack, then attach information technology to the relevant place on the vehicle and lift the rear.

It doesn't need to be that high. If you are going to be using a vehicle jack, and so it is especially important that you chock the wheels.

This is because in that location is going to be an even greater chance that your vehicle will move.

Trust united states of america, the final affair y'all want is to have that vehicle come crashing down on your caput.

Make sure that yous know how to use the jack properly before you crawl under the vehicle. Reading the manual for your jack should tell you everything that you need to know.

While you may think that we do not demand to indicate this out, you lot volition be surprised at how many people use the jack incorrectly. Information technology is just dangerous.

Pace.5: Preparing the Rear of the Vehicle

Now that you accept access to the back of the vehicle, you lot can bank check underneath the rear. Yous will want to ensure that in that location are holes where you can attach the trailer hitch to.

If there are holes, and then grab a wire castor to make clean them out. You can use a small amount of lubricant to make the job a bit easier here.

Of course, you will desire to brand sure that you lot are using actual vehicle lubricant here.

If there are no holes, and you are not using a drill-free hitch, then you will demand to drill the holes.

You lot volition demand to consult the instruction manual for your trailer hitch to know exactly what yous should be doing here.

This includes the hole size and how to work out where the holes will demand to be placed.

Since this is something that is going to be differing from vehicle to vehicle and hitch to hitch, we volition not be able to go into too much depth on this here.

Footstep.6: Lift the Hitch into Position

Now yous need to catch the person that is working with you to help yous lift the hitch into position.

Every bit we said before, this is not a job that y'all are going to exist able to do on your own. The hitch is going to exist besides heavy.

Brand sure that everything is lined up with the holes (if you lot have to use holes to secure the hitch into position!)

Step.7: Secure the Hitch into Position lightly

At present you need to take hold of the bolts that came with the hitch and spiral them into position. They do not have to be very tight now.

They only need to be able to hold the hitch into position while y'all complete the job.

Well-nigh people will tighten the bolts upwards with their fingers. The bolts should be large enough to practise that. All the same, nosotros like to utilise wrenches to tighten everything up.

You lot just need to know that your partner is potent enough to concur the hitch into position for this long.

Step.8: Tighten the Hitch Properly

Once the hitch is in position with the bolts, the person belongings the hitch tin release their grip.

You will at present need to take hold of your torque wrench and tighten up the bolts every bit much as the manual recommends. As nosotros said before, this is going to be different from hitch to hitch.

Step.9: Finishing the Task

Now all yous need to practice is remove the wheel chocks and the vehicle lift if you were using ane. The task is now consummate.

Test out the hitch using a few light weights within of a trailer.

If everything seems to be going fine and it doesn't appear as if the hitch is coming loose from the vehicle, so you should exist able to employ it properly.

if the hitch does announced to be coming loose, and then there could exist a problem with how tight you tightened the bolts. Double check them with the torque wrench.

How to Install a Trailer Hitch Ball? (Hitch Ball Installation Guide)

Installing a trailer hitch ball isn't actually anywhere near as difficult as y'all may think. In fact, most of the effort comes from ensuring that you lot cull the right hitch brawl for the vehicle that you own.

Fifty-fifty this shouldn't be that hard. Every manufacturer of trailer hitches will also sell hitch assurance. Just pick up something from the same manufacturer and you are pretty much covered.

For the hitch brawl installation,  you lot only then need to follow these steps:

Step.ane: Begin by placing the hitch ball directly onto the hitch. it is likely that y'all volition need to slide it into position. However, as always, you will want to check the manufacturer'south transmission to know exactly what you need to practise.

However, equally nosotros said, it isn't really a difficult thing to install the hitch ball, and then we incertitude that you will go incorrect! Everything should be pretty obvious.

Step.two: Now y'all demand to await for the pigsty on the side of the hitch. Slide the hitch pin through this. Obviously, yous will want to ensure that it is going through the hitch at the same time.

Stride.3: Once the hitch pin has gone through, secure it with the clip, and you are done.

Pace.4: You may want to requite the hitch ball a fleck of a tug to make sure that information technology doesn't move from position. However, if you have followed these steps, and so we are pretty positive that this is not going to be happening anyway.

Trailer Hitch ball installation >> Check out the video below:

How to Install a Hitch on a Truck – Guide

Installing a hitch onto a truck isn't that much unlike from the process that nosotros outlined before.

Possibly the but thing that you volition desire to pay extra attending to is the weight limit for the hitch.

Since trucks can pull a lot more weight than your average machine, you want to ensure that you choice a hitch that you can use to the full capabilities of your vehicle.

Other than that, the steps are exactly the same equally we mentioned previously. Here is a quick outline for the truck hitch installation:

  1. Chock the wheels of your vehicle.
  2. Jack the rear of your vehicle if possible. Information technology will get in easier for you to access the expanse where you need to attach the hitch.
  3. Using a second person, elevator the hitch into position and bolt the hitch into place.
  4. Use a torque wrench to ensure that you lot have tightened the bolts to the minimum outlined in the transmission.

That is all that is involved. Although, do deport in heed that if you have a truck, you lot may also want to exercise a spot of wiring likewise.

This will allow you to utilize electric brakes on your trailer. Nevertheless, the wiring is going to exist out of the telescopic of this guide. It can get pretty complicated.

How to Install a Hitch Receiver on Your Truck! (Truck Hitch Installation Guide) >> Cheque out the video below:

How Much Does it Toll to Install a Hitch?

If you are installing it yourself, and then it will be the cost of your tools. Most of the tools required for this job are pretty mutual, plus the cost of the hitch itself.

This tin can be between $100 and $500, depending on the vehicle that requires the hitch, plus the quality of the hitch that you are purchasing.

If you lot plan on getting a professional to install the hitch for you lot, then the price of the installation will be between $100 and $500.

Once again, this is going to be dependent on the vehicle that you lot have. Some are a bit more complicated to install hitches onto. in some cases, you may also want to take electrical wiring installed.

This means that you can add a good couple of hundred dollars extra to that cost.

Read also: How Much Does It Cost to Install a Trailer Hitch? (with nine examples)

Who Installs Trailer Hitches Virtually Me

In that location are several companies that can install trailer hitches near your locations. In the list beneath you volition find the Top four best companies that install trailer hitches:

  1. U booty trailer hitch installation

2. Pep Boys hitch installation

3. Costco trailer hitch installation

4. Trailer hitch installation Walmart

Trailer Hitch Installation FAQs

Permit's close out this page about trailer hitch installation with answers to some of your nearly ofttimes-asked questions most them!

Can I install a hitch myself?

Admittedly! You can install a trailer hitch yourself. The chore tin be carried out completely on your own. You lot just need a unproblematic ready of hand tools. You practise non fifty-fifty have to know anything about vehicles.

You just need to know how to apply some basic tools and you are set to coil.

How long does a hitch installation take?

How long does a hitch installation have? On average information technology should take you no longer than an ane or 2 hours to install a hitch. If you have washed it before, then the process may be even quicker than this. For the most part, it is nada more than than tightening bolts and you are fine.

Tin can you lot put a hitch on any car?

Technically, yeah. You tin can put the hitch on any automobile. Although, you may not want to. Every car should be capable of towing. Even so, passenger cars aren't really made for towing extreme weights.

You may be able to tow a trailer carrying items to the dump, simply once you showtime to get bigger than this, then your car merely won't cut it.

There will nigh always be a place on your vehicle to adhere a trailer hitch to, though!

Practice I need wiring for a hitch?

Do I need wiring for a hitch? For a standard hitch, no you do non demand wiring. Notwithstanding, if you plan on adding a restriction controller into your vehicle and so that you tin can control the electrical brakes on a trailer and so, yes, yous are going to demand to take wiring put into place.

This is not really something that you will exist able to practise on your own if you do non take experience wiring upwardly systems.

Therefore, yous volition demand to go in touch with an practiced to wire everything up for you.

Read likewise: Curt Wireless Brake Controller: 9 Facts Y'all Should Know (Explained)

Will installing a trailer hitch void my warranty?

Will installing a trailer hitch void my warranty? Installing a hitch itself shouldn't void your warranty. However, it will void your warranty if the trailer hitch installation causes a trouble with your vehicle. For case, if the trailer hitch weakens the chassis of the vehicle, and the vehicle manufacturer can prove this, then your warranty volition be voided.

However, a vehicle manufacturer should never deny a warranty claim purely because of the hitch.

They would actually have to prove that it is the hitch that caused the problem with your vehicle.

How practise y'all attach a trailer hitch?

The trailer hitch will need to be bolted onto the rear of the vehicle. There will be plates on the underneath of the vehicle that will allow y'all to bolt the hitch into place.

Of form, the exact procedure for each trailer hitch will vary. This means that you will need to read the manual that came with the hitch to know exactly what you should be doing.

How tight should a trailer hitch brawl be?

How tight should a trailer hitch ball be? A trailer hitch brawl should be every bit tight as yous can get information technology while nevertheless existence able to shut the latch. If y'all are non able to close the latch, and so the hitch ball is likewise tight.

The coupler should never be able to fall off a trailer hitch brawl that is tight enough.

Can you put a hitch on a Corolla?

Can you put a hitch on a Corolla?Yep. You lot tin put a hitch on a Corolla. Despite this being a vehicle mostly designed for passengers, it has a decent towing capacity.

Still, you will demand to do your research into the vehicle that you lot own to make up one's mind how much weight you lot are able to tow. You shouldnongo over the towing limit.

Can yous put a hitch on a Honda Civic?

Can yous put a hitch on a Honda Borough?Yes. You tin put a hitch on a Honda Borough. Yet, do carry in mind that because the Honda Civic is a passenger car, information technology is unlikely to have a huge amount of towing capacity. You volition merely exist able to pull light loads just.

How much does it price to put a hitch on a Subaru Outback?

It depends on where you live. A hitch may cost about $100 to $300 for the installation. However, you will also need to gene in the cost of buying the equipment on top of that.

This could easily be some other $200 to $300.

Final Give-and-take

Installing your ain trailer hitch isn't going to be that much effort. In fact, you lot do not need to accept that much feel with vehicles.

The procedure should be fairly self-explanatory. Although, the depression cost of trailer installation means that a lot of people are more than happy to outsource the job to a professional.

This way, you tin can be certain that it is going to be done 100% properly.


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